STOP MOTION BEHIND THE SCENESKelly Boulton BLOG SS BTS1BLOG SS BTS2BLOG SS BTS3This timelapse shows Simon and Kelly animating the props and pizza for this tasty Sesame Street segment. The finished stop motion animation was shot at 12 frames per second - a total of 720 photographs taken over 3 days. #KELLYBOULTON #SESAMESTREET #PIZZAFACE #STOPMOTION #CHEESYGOODNESS #ANIMATION #FOODSTYLING
BLOG SS BTS1BLOG SS BTS2BLOG SS BTS3This timelapse shows Simon and Kelly animating the props and pizza for this tasty Sesame Street segment. The finished stop motion animation was shot at 12 frames per second - a total of 720 photographs taken over 3 days. #KELLYBOULTON #SESAMESTREET #PIZZAFACE #STOPMOTION #CHEESYGOODNESS #ANIMATION #FOODSTYLING